Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Life is so great...

Lately my routine in the ofishhh...too so stress...but what to do..that is the way that i earn money...people would say...rezki...or rezeki...

So greatful to Allah...

The point is:-

How do u overcome wit stress??.
1. Jogging...
2. Swimming..
3. Window shoping..
4. Playing wit cat
5. Playing wit childs..or ur luvly kids...
6. Eating more..
7. Take a deep breath..
8. Taking wudhu and solat..
9. Exercise..
10. Watching movie..

Rate yourself...which one that suit u??..

Erm..for no 5..i don know..when is my turn..sob..sobb.. :(

I'm believe most of the women outside there will answer..window shoping..heee...

Whateva it cheer...:)))

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Kitten dah jadi adults

Lama bebenar cheq tak online kan..almaklumla..cheq aktif dgn blog lagi kata u oalls..visit my blog pulaks...

Ni nak habaq kucing2 cheq semua dah besau2..yang pening skrg ni cemana nak kahwinkan they all..if gi mating kan utk 3 ekor mummy cats ni maunye riuh umah cheq ngan cucu-cucu yang chomeyyy...hehe

Nak upload my latest cats pic..ayoyooo..upanye all in my handset...

Ni jelah yg dpt di uploadkan..hehe..

My luvly kitty and daisy...cer teka which one is kitty and daisy?..hehe

Yang ni the only one encem boy..Tommy...

Have a happy weekend ;)

This blogger was copyright by Nik Nur Izzati